For Sony Ericsson Accessories. The Integral Design Project is het final project in the Masters course before the graduation project. The project is done in a team of 6 designers, formed from all three Master studies at the IDE faculty. The project covers a complete design project, on behalf of a company, in this case: Sony Ericsson Accessories.

IDP for SE Accessoiries
The project we did was a future communication concept for the 2010 market. Based upon current market research, technology trends and a cultural probe we came up with driving forces to envision user scenarios for the 2015 market. From these scenarios we created a vision on future communication and communication concepts. One concept was chosen for detailing. The project was detailed using Solidworks and presented using an animation in Maya. The project was placed within a producte development context to move Sony Ericsson towards our future vision.
Due to confidentiality of the project I am unable to provide details or images of the final design.