Invitation: graduation presentation and celebration

The Operating Room of the Future

Use analysis and design of a new interaction concept

To conclude my project I would like to invite you to my presentation on Wednesday the 8th of July at the faculty of IDE at the TU Delft. After the presentation refreshments will be served at Sociƫteit Novum.

invitation to graduation: presentation en celebration

invitation to graduation: presentation en celebration


Wednesday, the 8th of July, 13.45hrs
Zaal U
Faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen, TU Delft
Landbergstraat 15, Delft


Wednesday, the 8th of July, 16.00hrs
Sociƫteit Novum
Verwersdijk 102-104, Delft

In my graduation project the use and usability of an integrated operating room, Karl Storz OR 1, in the UMC Utrecht medical centre were analyzed and evaluated. The analysis resulted in recommendations for the design and use of the current and future integrated operating rooms.
Furthermore, several new product concepts were developed to stimulate safety and efficiency in the operating room. From these concepts one was chosen for development into a prototype, which was evaluated in a user test.

Download invitation: here

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